Making awful noises on a musical instrument, never minding the beat while jumping to hip-hop, sacrificing the queen too soon in a chess match, and accidentally hitting our own wicket, are precious moments in life which a lot of us have enjoyed. Such endeavours that we cherish so deeply are an important part of growing up, and serve to help us catch a break from the banalities of life, rejuvenating us ever so much, pulling us back on our feet. Which is why it is so unfortunate that such ‘extracurricular activities’, as they are often termed, are being given less and less importance each day, and are often overlooked as unnecessary in many school environments. Seen as a mere extension, an “extra” to the school curriculum—which is the real deal—they are frequently sacrificed in favour of studies and exams, robbing students of the joys of playing in open fields or cheering for their favourite teams, peering over crowds to catch a glimpse of a heated carrom match, and staying back for dance practice. The situation is very grim, and thus, we must do something, and do something now!